NEWSAGENCY – Southern QLD Country ID#7402470 –Very Popular winery area
Quality 491 Visa Opportunity
Exciting opportunity to control all the newsagencies in this very popular town. Updated shopfits with latest Golden Casket Digipos images installed.
The towns TSG (Tobacco Station) included ! Main street locations surrounded by complimentary retailers, banks, medical, the lot
* Turnover Newsagency & TSG : $ 1,777,320
* Turnover Soft Gambling : $ 2,148,832
* Trading : 7 Days
* Staff Wages Supporting Owners : $ 224,443
* Delivery Run : Yes, performed by owner & staff
* Agencies : Golden Casket, Parcels, TSG
* Owners Profit : $130,567
* Stock (est) : $80,000
* Asking Price : Now ONLY $ 250,000 + stock
* Total cost estimate $ 330,000 + rental bond + ~15% budget for contract costs
Please Contact :-
Graham Randall on 0419 711 153 or
Chris Green on 0419 473 666 or
or preferably complete the REQUEST INFORMATION form on the top right of this page.